Collection: Yamanaka Lacquerware

In the east of Ishikawa prefectures lies Yamanaka Onsen, a region that, for over 1000 years, has drawn visitors seeking respite in their acclaimed hot springs. From this area, a tradition of Japanese lacquerware called Yamanaka Shikki emerged in the 16th century. Famous for the simplicity and refinement of its wooden lacquerware, Yamanaka Shikki involves carving wood using a lathe technique. The superbly carved wood is then lacquered using the fuki-urushi method by coating the wood with urushi, polishing and then drying it, a process that is repeated 6-10 times.
We’re thrilled to offer two bento boxes made using the Yamanaka Shikki technique, the Urushi Maru and Komamonyo Bento Boxes.